KLUE - Latest Happenings

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Michael Bublé

Micheal Bublé , my all time favorite singer in the whole wide world. He is from Vancouver Canada , his his style of songs i generically more on jazz , swing , thoese kinda songs with usually play during 70s or 80s. He inspiration of singing comes from his grandfather , in which most of the song are from his grandpa's time , singers like bobby daren , frank surnatar and so on .

From what i know he is been in the music businesses for a long time sining in bars , cruse and many more until some one discover him during a singing performement at the white house.

He has a soft and smooth vocal but yet his vocal power is incredible , haha remember last time i 1st hear his voice i really fall in love with it.

People used to tell he that they feel like sleeping when lisent to his song , haha but yet some of them had already influence by me.

Sadly from what i notice last year when looking for his album in Malaysia , the stall manager dont even know who the hell he was , what a fool haha.

During the trip i will sure get his latest album ( call me irresponsible), and dad if u are reading this plz let me go to his concert , if in the future , he comes to Aus to conduct a show alrite? haha

Enjoy folks

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