KLUE - Latest Happenings

Sunday, September 2, 2007


Poeple please take note i u have even come to Melborune or any place in Aus which have this particular shop whose name is MAX BRENNER , Dun hesitate to go in this shop and order simply tell the waiter by point out what u wan from the heavenly beautiful picture on the menu u wont regret it especially if u like chocolate very much. From the pic u can that it feel like u are in Cahrlie chocolate facotry in there , but before u can get a seat u must wait for a long que cas dunno why so many ppl wanna go there?? hehe

Yum yum looks very nice rite , i didnt bluf u le very nice , bluf u got money mou?? no rite?? hehe . SEE all of us like got sugar shock ofter the meal muahahaha .

Thank to this girl AKA my BB for editing the pic .

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